
Do Your Beliefs Hold You Back?

"All of us have some flawed or erroneous beliefs. Since we interpret the world though these beliefs, we see the world not as it is, but as we are – and it’s this flawed interpretation that drives our attitude and behavior...our beliefs become our truths and reality...

For example, if you don't believe something is possible to do, you’re probably not going to commit much energy and resources to accomplishing it. Whether it’s gathering new assets, landing a big client, or simply getting out of the office at five o’clock, your beliefs dictate your actions...

Insanity is often defined as doing the same things over and over again, while expecting different results. If this rings a bell, it may be time to change your mindset so you can get different results.

Here are three steps to change your beliefs and mindset:

First, begin by specifically identifying the results you want.
Then create and develop actions that will accomplish those results.
Lastly, examine your beliefs about those actions to determine if they are holding you back."

Read more in this article by Bob Lodie