Wealth of Small Biz IP info at WIPO
The Small and Medium Enterprises homepage of the website of WIPO - the World Intellectual Property Organization contains a wealth of information on intellectual property that is useful to small businesses.
This page contains links as follows:
"Intellectual Property for Business
To many, intellectual property (IP) is a rather obscure legal concept that can only be properly understood and applied by those who are specially trained. You may be asking yourself why any small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) and, more so, your SME should pay attention to IP, or what benefits your SME could possibly draw from its use. The following links may provide answers to some of these questions. "
Why is Intellectual Property Relevant to Your SME?
How can Intellectual Property Enhance the Market Value of Your SME?
How do you Turn Inventions Into Profit-making Assets of Your SME?
Why is Intellectual Property Crucial for Marketing the Products and Services of Your SME?
Can Your SME use Intellectual Property Assets for Financing?
How can Intellectual Property Enhance the Export Opportunities of Your SME?
How can Your SME Acquire and Maintain Intellectual Property Protection?
Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of Your SME Abroad
Why are Trademarks Relevant to the Success of Your SME?
Protecting the Trade Secrets of Your SME
How can Your SME Benefit From Copyright Protection?
How can collective marks, certification marks and geographical indications be useful for SMEs?
Protecting Innovations by Utility Models
Managing the Intellectual Property Assets of Your SME
Using Patent Information for the Benefit of Your SME
Licensing of Intellectual Property; a Vital Component of the Business Strategy of Your SME
What Should Your SME do to Resolve Disputes Related to Intellectual Property?
(The entire content of the "Intellectual Property for Business" section is also available in MS-Word 97 and Adobe PDF formats.)