
Businesses Without Boundaries

From a thought provoking article on EContentMag.com:

"The ability of wireless networks to reach virtually any point on the planet makes mobile communications one of the most important and challenging frontiers for the enterprise. To be successful, organizations must absorb mobility into their way of doing business and shift from a culture in which technology is merely present to one in which technology is an integral part of key business processes. This fundamental transformation demands new methods and a new mindset...

For the notion of a business without boundaries to prevail, backend applications, data, and content must be re-engineered to take complete advantage of the features mobility offers...

'You need to ask: What is the information we have within the corporate enterprise that—if we could distribute it—would add value to our business?' Put simply, the organization should identify the key content that could allow it to do more business, close more deals, and be more interactive with customers. 'Then it must develop a strategy to deliver it in real-time to the users who need it most.' These mobile users include field service and sales employees who demand fully portable, real-time access to the same information resources and tools that, until recently, were accessible only from the desktop."