
Top Ten List on Pitching VCs

"Before you even attempt to contact a venture capitalist, be really clear about what you want and what you are prepared to give up in return. Be realistic and honest with yourself and the team about where your company is in its evolution and why someone would want to invest in you. And understand that the goal of your first meeting is to get the second meeting, period.

-Target your audience...
-Be prepared...
-Present your opportunity, not your product...
-Sell Your Value Proposition...
-Exhibit Leadership and Conviction...
-Identify your Market Opportunity...
-Know Your Customer...
-Present a Clear Business Model...
-Stay Flexible...
-Avoid Too Many Financials. Don’t get lost in the financial data in the first meeting. Instead convince them that they need to engage further with you. Don’t make ridiculous assertions on how you are going to be a $500 million company in 3 years; err on the conservative. Highlight your progress to date and make today’s reality vs. the future clear in your pitch...."

Read more in this Venture Momentum article.