
The Lost Art of Note-Taking

I take notes, lots of notes. Taking notes helps me to remember what is being said. The double dose of listening and writing aids in learning and understanding. I automatically take notes using an outline format I A 1 etc. The outline helps me to organize my thoughts and the speaker's. I usually go over my notes later and condense them using the outline format, sometimes on my PC but often in longhand or as part of a checklist.

Note taking is not a lost art to me, but I observe, as does Michael Hyatt, that many do not take notes at meetings or presentations. In this post, "Recovering the Lost Art of Note Taking," Mr. Hyatt makes these observations and suggestions:

"Note-taking enables you to stay engaged...
Note-taking provides a mechanism for capturing your ideas, questions, and commitments...
Note-taking communicates the right things to the other attendees...

But how can you more effectively take notes? Let me offer four suggestions:

Use a journal-formatted notebook...Keep your meeting notes as a running journal...Use symbols so you can quickly scan your notes later...Schedule time to review your notes..."