Ten Employment Mistakes Plaintiffs Lawyers Hope You Make
This article by attorney Ron Lee states:
"There are a number of specific mistakes that arise time and time again in the workplace – and that are subsequently replayed in the courtroom...the kinds of mistakes that employers often make that plaintiffs’ lawyers can use to their advantage, even in situations where a manager or supervisor acted with good intentions." His list:
1. Bad policy management.
2. Lack of proper training, resources, and tools for managers and supervisors.
3. Lack of clarity.
4. Poor recordkeeping.
5. Lack of objectivity and patience.
6. Acting in a way that can be seen as punitive.
7. Failure to guard against retaliation claims.
8. Improper handling of terminations.
9. Lack of thoroughness and follow-through.
10. Overloaded managers and supervisors.