Powerful Year End Questions to Answer
"The questions we ask determine the answers we get. And it is from these answers that we create the actions of our day-to-day lives. This simple progression of questions to answers to actions implies that if we want more effective and productive actions, we can start by asking ourselves better questions....Will it take some time? Yes it will. But it will be time well-spent...Schedule a two hour appointment (or schedule 10 minutes each day and do one question a day) with yourself in a quiet place, with your Journal, computer or just a pad of paper and record your answers to these questions.
1. What did I learn this year?...
2. What did I accomplish this year?...
3. Which accomplishments am I proudest of?...
4. Knowing what I know now, what would I have done differently in the past year?...
5. What will be my greatest lasting memories of this year?...
6. In what ways did I contribute?...
7. What were my biggest challenges or obstacles?...
8. What obstacles did I overcome? And how did you do it?...
9. Who are the most interesting people I met?...
10. How have they changed my life?...
11. How am I different now than I was at the start of the year?...
12. What am I most grateful for?...
13. What else do I want to reflect on?...
These are thirteen powerful questions. But the power comes not from asking them, but from answering them..."
Read more in this post from getmotivation.com.