
Deal of Lifetime

The purchase of a residence may be the single largest transaction in which most individuals will ever be involved. For an entrepreneur or small business owner a similar statement can be made about the buying or selling of a business. In short, it is often the deal of a lifetime.

Legal considerations affect even the most basic aspects of such a transaction. For example, the risk of assuming unwanted environmental or employee benefits liabilities may rule out a particular structure for a transaction or prevent the transaction from going forward at all. Consultations between client and counsel at an early planning stage are essential to (1) close the deal in a timely manner, (2) ensure a smooth post-closing transition, (3) avoid surprises about the value of the business, and (4) avoid the assumption of unwanted or unknown liabilities. Read more....

[I am posting a link to an earlier article I wrote to demonstrate a workaround to the Blogger "read more" problem.]