
Negotiation Tips from the Trenches

"1. Always remember that everything is negotiable!...
2. Form and crystallize your vision of the outcome....
3. Set a goal for each deal point....
4. Prepare in advance. Information is power...
5. Ask questions and address your concerns...
6. Listen-listen-listen...
7. Aim your aspirations high...
8. Be flexible and develop options and strategies...
9. Think like a dolphin...Dolphins are able to adapt their strategies and behaviors to their counterparts. Remember, even when negotiating with a shark, you always have an option - you can walk away!...
10. Be honest and fair...
11. Never ever accept the first offer...
12. Deal from strength or act the part...
13. Find out what the other party wants...
14. Be willing to walk away...
15. Be cooperative and friendly...
16. Use the power of competition...
17. If no competition is there, create it, if you can."

Read more in this Views From The Trenches post.