
The Illustrated Story of Copyright

Here is the online version of The Illustrated Story of Copyright by Edward Samuels. It is a reproduction of the hardcover book, which is now out of print. The only changes are the omission of some of the images that that the author did not have permission to reproduce online. Quoting the author:

"In this book, I trace the story of copyright from its adoption in this country over 210 years ago through the headline issues posed by the Internet and the digitizing of creative works. Using sidebars and photographs to illustrate the major turning points, I try to explain copyright straightforwardly enough so that teenagers can understand it, and in enough detail to help inform even those who are already familiar with the basics.

In Part One, "Copyright and Technology," sidebars and photographs and illustrations place the law into historical context and bring to life the relevant copyright technologies—records and radio, movies and television, printing and photocopying, computers and the Internet.

In Part Two, "Copyright Basics," I explain the general principles of copyright. The photographs and sidebars allow readers to jump right into the cases..."