Stress Busters for the New Year
"Set Realistic Goals...
Use the Power of Positive Self-talk
The best way to eradicate those "weeds" that fill the "garden" of your subconscious mind is to practice telling yourself positive, self-enhancing thoughts every time you catch yourself being negative...You can re-program your subconscious by recognizing your negative, self-defeating thinking patterns...and changing them on the spot....
Choose an Optimistic Interpretation of Events...
Change Your Diet and Exercise Habits...
Embrace Opportunities for Relaxation...
One of the best stress busters is regular relaxation breaks. These can range from spontaneous mini-vacations (e.g., weekends), to a relaxing walk in a serene place (e.g., the beach or near a babbling brook), to taking 15 minutes twice a day to meditate right in your office. There are many excellent relaxation tapes, yoga exercises, and visualization/hypnosis tapes on the market. The key to this is to make the time, be sure you will not be interrupted and stick to your plan. Recharging your emotional batteries is healthy and easy to do, as long as you take charge of yourself to allot the time and make relaxation part of your weekly routine.
Stay Close to Positive People and Influences
Unfortunately, many of us are married to, related to, or work for negative, pessimistic people. These are folks who have their own fears of change, do not take risks, and wallow in their own misery. These members of the "negativity club" want you to join them, because that helps them to justify their own behavior and ideas...So, be a "Teflon" person...let the comments of these folks bounce off you...Find positive, optimistic, successful people to get close to, who will encourage you to move away from your habitual, "inside of the box" ideas. What a breath of fresh air that will feel like to you!
Search for Opportunities for Fun and Laughter..
Bringing fun into your life is immensely important for your health. Endorphins, which override stress hormones and produce a sense of release and calm, are released by the brain every time we laugh or engage in a fun activity. In fact, the immune system is impacted in a powerful way by fun and laughter...
Read more in this article by Dr. Jack Singer.