
5 Questions to Ask About Your Company's Privacy Policies

"Every company in the business of collecting, processing or using data should ask itself the following five questions in order to determine if it is at risk for increased liability or regulation.

1. Do we collect, process or use "personal data"?...Common examples of personal data include social security numbers, credit card numbers, drivers’ license numbers and health records...

2. How do we use personal data within the company?...

3. What laws are we subject to with respect to personal data?...

4. What third parties have access to our data?...

5. Who is responsible within the company for monitoring the personal data?...

Answering these five questions will go a long way towards helping you to implement a personal data privacy policy that can help reduce the risk of potential liability. It is also good business practice; as consumers, customers and employees will feel more comfortable working with you."

Read more in this McGuireWoods LLP article.