
How to Delegate More Effectively

"Delegation is an area of personal and professional management that many people struggle with. The difficulty stems from our need to control outcomes and a strongly rooted belief that we know how to do things best. It's hard to let go of control...

How can you overcome your mindset and become a better delegator? Here are some tips:

Realize that you just can't do it all...
Start by giving away small, uncomplicated tasks. As your confidence grows so will your willingness to delegate more...
Recognize success...
Realize that "Your Way" is not always the "Only Way."...
Work on giving others the tools to do what you do...
Appreciate others' accomplishments...
Seize the opportunity to work on more stimulating projects...
Understand the dynamics of authority and responsibly. Delegating does not mean giving up responsibility, and this is an essential lesson for true leadership.
Use the leverage..."

Read more in this article by Dianna Podmoroff from Mind Tools

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