
Software Freedom Law Center Born

"The Software Freedom Law Center is born. It will provide pro bono legal services 'to eligible non-profit open source software projects and developers' and note it is a global invitation. That could be you.

Here is their mission statement from the new website:

'We provide legal representation and other law related services to protect and advance Free and Open Source Software. Free and Open Source Software ('FOSS') is maturing at a rapid pace. The FOSS production ecosystem, once dominated by a few small not-for-profit entities and individual contributors, now includes a global array of individuals, not-for-profit entities, and commercial developers and redistributors. In this mixed-model organizational environment, all FOSS developers must have an environment where liability and other legal issues do not impede their important public service work. The Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) provides legal representation and other law related services to protect and advance FOSS.' "

From this GROKLAW post.