
Be, Know, Do

Check out The Art and Science of Leadership site for a vast amount of useful information on leadership, including the following:

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, etc. gives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power does not make you a leader...it simply makes you the boss. Leadership differs in that it makes the followers want to achieve high goals, rather than simply bossing people around...

Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience...

The basis of good leadership is honorable character and selfless service to your organization. In your employees' eyes, your leadership is everything you do that effects the organization's objectives and their well being. Respected leaders concentrate on what they are [be] (such as beliefs and character), what they know (such as job, tasks, and human nature), and what they do (such as implementing, motivating, and provide direction).

What makes a person want to follow a leader? People want to be guided by those they respect and who have a clear sense of direction. To gain respect, they must be ethical. A sense of direction is achieved by conveying a strong vision of the future...

To help you be, know, and do; (U.S. Army, 1973) follow these eleven principles of leadership...

Know yourself and seek self-improvement...
Be technically proficient...
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions...
Make sound and timely decisions...
Set the example...
Know your people and look out for their well-being...
Keep your workers informed...
Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers...
Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished...
Train as a team...
Use the full capabilities of your organization...

If you are a leader who can be trusted, then those around you will grow to respect you...