
10 Points on IP Portfolios

"IP has become fully integrated within the fields of art, science, commerce and law, yet understanding the overlap and implications of this integration can be challenging. As a basic primer, here are 10 things you should know about IP portfolios:

1. There Are Different Types of IP and Associated Protections...
2. IP Rights Can Overlap...
3. Just Because You Have a Patent, Doesn?t Mean You Can Practice the Invention...
4. It Can Be Expensive to Procure and Maintain IP Rights...
5. It Can Also Be Expensive to Ignore Other?s IP Rights...
6. Getting the IP Right Is Only Half of the Equation; You May Need to Enforce the Right...
7. Choosing an IP Practitioner Is a Significant Decision...
8. IP Rights Are Not a Requisite for Commercial Success, But They Can Be of Great Help...
9. Valuation of IP Rights Can Be Difficult; Know When to Hold ?Em and Know When to Fold ?Em...
10. Common Sense Is Underrated When Developing IP Portfolio Strategy..."

Read more in this Goodwin Procter article from Mondaq (free registration required).